Pedigree Of Cosmic Disco
ParentsGrandparentsGreat GrandparentsGreat Great GrandparentsGreat Great Great Grandparents
Keepergame Tangerine TwistKeepergame Red BaronTavasz Felix for GardenwayShow Champion Gardenway DramatistChampion Kilato-Teri Furge Mokany of Helmlake (IMP HUN)
Show Champion Gardenway Dawn Run
Tavasz BibicRussetmantle Aureole of Gardenway
Gardenway Forest Flame at Tavasz
Plasy Petite of KeepergameGalfrid EdwardShow Champion Galfrid Quentin
Galfrid Hope
Lilymere Just Jenny (see notes)Show Champion Castlefield Mill Lane
Blue Rhapsody
Gonfanoner KatelinInternational Hungarian Champion Sugar Baro of Gunfield (IMP HUN)Hun Ch Koszegi Vadasz AstorVadaszfai Csoze
Borzomenti Anka
Cikolai InyencMatai Ludas
Cikolai Dongo
Plasy PollyannaGalfrid EdwardShow Champion Galfrid Quentin
Galfrid Hope
Lilymere Just Jenny (see notes)Show Champion Castlefield Mill Lane
Blue Rhapsody
Aero AnticSalizaar LutherParcroft SzekozardShow Champion Neszmely Yalumba with BenzaliShow Champion Benzali Shiraz
Benzali Solitaire at Neszmely
Russetmantle SassyShow Champion/Australian Champion Hungargunn Bear Itn Mind (IMP AUS)
Russetmantle Bead
Hapseve FoxyVithorpe Veni Vidi Vici VallotaWaidman Vagabond of Vallotta
Wyecaple Stary Stary Night
Conigree Cleo for HapseveHapseve Dram
Loxley Bracken of Conigree
Reidolvalley Queen BWhiskey MistMidas's Golden BoyLilymere Midas Reviseted
Furnfeather Ruby
Swift EncounterGalfrid Grant of Gunfield
Crystal Clear Creek
Dyfed's Day Dream DebbieRezista Double FlashChampion Alsziv Pasque
Russetmantle Damsel
Summer Gold LadyLilymere Midas Reviseted
Furnfeather Jo Jo
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs Pedigree Software, Professional Edition licensed to Di Addicott.