The purpose of this website is mostly to describe the Immune Mediated Diseases to which the Vizsla is predisposed.

Sadly the breed has other very serious health problems too – especially some cancers (Haemangiosarcoma and Lymphoma) and Epilepsy. Breeders should make it their priority to actively investigate the health issues that their stock is producing – and mitigate where possible

We have specific advice to reduce the risk of Vizsla Inflammatory Polymyopathy (VIP) and Epilepsy

For other complex inheritable diseases  – for which there is no test- (including immune mediated conditions) the Kennel Club also advocates great caution in the matter of breeding from unaffected dogs that have produced a disease or have affected siblings or parents  –read more –   KC Advice

There are also some conditions which CAN be tested for – to enable more informed breeding decisions. The links below provide easy access to all Kennel Club Published Scores for vizslas in respect of the following conditions

These results can be verified on KC Health Results Finder And here is their Vizsla Breed Health and Conservation Plan


We recommend that prospective puppy buyers do a great deal of research before purchase. Please think carefully if the parents are not health tested and GRILL your prospective breeder about the other significant health problems that cannot be tested for.

The Dog Breeding Reform Group has excellent advice for the owners of puppies that go on develop breed related health problems that could have been avoided. Click on the Image for helpful guidance on what to do if things go wrong.


Honesty, transparency and DISCLOSURE (about health issues in general) is the only way that breeders can hope to reduce the incidence of illnesses that cannot be tested for. It will take a similar determination on the part of the owners of both the stud dog and brood bitch to make the right choices – and in the long term help to ensure a healthier future for our lovely breed.

In the UK breeders must consider their legal position with regard to the provisions of the Animal Welfare regulations 2016 (Schedule 6)

(5) No dog may be kept for breeding if it can reasonably be expected, on the basis of its genotype, phenotype or state of health that breeding from it could have a detrimental effect on its health or welfare or the health or welfare of its offspring.