Open Registry of Vizsla Inflammatory Polymyopathy (VIP) “Affected” Vizslas

The following 116 UK Vizslas robustly satisfy the phenotypic criteria required by the current research. This project aims to develop a DNA screening test for the disease known as Vizsla Inflammatory Polymyopathy – VIP

The owners of these VIP affected vizslas are generously committed to transparency in the hope that many more DNA samples (via saliva or blood) might be generated. Please email or ring Di Addicott (01759 306057) if you are able to provide contact information for cooperative owners of the sires, dams, offspring or siblings of the individuals listed below

We make it very easy for you to help – please see the DNA Collection Page

Here is a database that can be searched for 1st degree Relatives of Affected dogs

In the list below, the orange button gives the pedigree – and the blue one the history of VIP in that family (read this advice on Interpretation)  ( Red Text is not significant  –  it denotes Show Champion status)

Anassa Shushanova
Andronja Fingal’s Cave

Andronja’s Naga Mama

Arankafield Mr Writer

Auburnvelvet Mystic Prince

Aurora Borealis

Autumbray Tom Ford

Bailey John Lee

Baron In The Red Sun

Bitcon Dancing Feet

Buster Unregistered

Caramel Sunlight

Cardeapaws Honey Velvet

Cassom Temptress

Castlefield Cedar

Chilsham Follow The Dream

Craiginlea Ecclesmachan

Craiginlea Galloway

Demerrall Kicsike

Dexter Luis Rafa

Digby Edwina’s Boy

Emeraldguard Bartholemew

Emeraldguard Emperor

Emeraldguard Magic Boy

Envagyok Crown Affair

Finnougric Amberdance

Fiscardo’s Perseus

Flixraign Canna

Flixraign Cheery Chives

Geltwood Angeloni

Gillyvor Dickon

Goshafoc Retiheja

Gunfield Golden Flames

Heir Of Hambledon

Hemingway Omatsea

Hudnall Golden Breck

Hudnall Strathkyle At Ismahni

Invincible Teak

Istvan Erdinger

Jayolay Emerald Pirate

Kandallovas Aeronaut

Kandallovas Limerick

Kandallovas Sage

Kenmilleven Coral

Kenquartz Strudel

Kenxiam Pharoahs Gold

Kilmarnock Rudyard

Lilymere “Kipper” (unregistered)

Lilymere “Perry” (unregistered)

Lilymere Wandering Scot

Mystolene Aloysius

Nala (Unregistered)

Norlandgold Napkiraly

Ogbeares Lilly Cassata

Ogbeares Lilly Chronicle

Ogbeares Lilly Opera

Oldgillhead Boris

Oneandall Chough

Palheiro Othello

Pitswarren Arkle

Pitswarren Eltantarah

Pitswarren Pizazz

Pitswarren Rochester

Pitswarren Wiseguy With Junetta

Prince Marshall

Princess Red Rubi

Ralph Lauren Bay

Ramios Gin Fizz

Ranchstar Billy Balowski

Randonneur Wheal Pheonix

Redcourt Olivia’s Ovation

Regarding Henry

Rivellsparke Golden Dream

Romeo’s Kestrel

Rowanstar “Duke”

Ruby (unregistered)

Russet Revolution

Sandoraviz Reef

Savaii Strawberry Quartz

Sheepcothill Reed

Stregaya Bittersweet

Striding Warlord

Sunset In Pienza

Sybaris Allspice

Szelkiraly Bressay

Szinarany Apollo

Tasmas Brackley Fern

Tischgebet Dom Perignon

Tragus Sweet Sensation

Trouble Shooter

Vadaszno Mr Beebrux

Victoryeve Maserati

Vizslanya Cakos

Vizslanya Lantos

Vizslanya Vrsula

Whitbymoor Bluebellbliss