To reduce the risk of producing Vizsla Inflammatory Polymyopathy (VIP) it is recommended that breeding from first degree relatives of affected dogs be avoided. First degree relatives are parents and siblings The following PDF is searchable and identifies sires and dams (1st degree Relatives) of those VIP Affected dogs whose owners have given permission for their pedigrees to be published (it is not a comprehensive list)

Siblings of Affected dogs are also 1st Degree Relatives – but to avoid unecessary worry, we do not propose to publish the names of these several hundred individuals (the vast majority of which will not be bred from) For sibling identification purposes (when selecting breeding partners or choosing puppies) the 4 grandparents of the proposed mating should also be cross checked for matches and caution exercised where close family relationships are confirmed. The Kennel Club Health Checker will add further useful detail

Shared genes in blood relatives

The datatable below should be read in conjunction with this information

It explains that there are many reasons why a producer’s name cannot be published. Beware of assuming that dogs that do not feature in the list are necessarily “clear” or unrelated to VIP Affected individuals. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Always do as much research as possible on ALL of the breed’s health problems. Selecting a breeding pair or choosing a pup are huge decisions and thoroughness will ensure wise choices

For the best understanding of the familial relationships – visit this page

Use the magnifying glass (LH on tool bar) to search for the names you want to check, engage the “highlight” tool and then scroll through the document. The PDF can also be viewed in full screen (recommended) – or downloaded to your device